Introducing! Black Pearl Candles Book Club

In a world where we are constantly running from point A to B, and crossing off to-do list tasks 1-33, taking time to yourself can feel like a rare indulgence.

My favorite way to tune out the notifications is to curl up with a blanket and get utterly lost in a book. I’ve found that it’s become harder and harder to focus on a book, and maybe you have too, with the endless platforms begging for my attention. Fast TikTok videos, new Netflix series, Instagram reels, etc. But those things don’t nourish and relax me the way books do. 

And my favorite way to read a book is next to a lovely candle, of course.

I think we could all probably benefit from priritizing the peace that comes from reading. So, I am ecstatic to introduce the Black Pearl Candle Book Club!
In this monthly club, I will review books submitted by the @blackpearlcandles community on Instagram . Each month, I’ll seek submissions, and if your submission is chosen, you’ll receive a 50% discount on any candle order.

To kick things off, here are my 4 favorite books of all time - have you read any of these? What are your thoughts?

This is the one book that I read over and over and over. Set in the early 1900’s, this story follows the life of a young girl growing up in Williamsburg, NY. It paints a vivid picture of impoverished life at the turn of the century, as well as shares the endearing story of hope despite hardship. Honestly, I reread it every few years because I will completely forget what the plot is about, and each time I am just as captivated as the last.

The Women, Kristin Hannah

This book. I sobbed. Kristin Hannah stunningly tells the story of valiant nurses and their beautiful bravery during the Vietnam War. It’s graphic and heartbreaking and I think a must-read for every American.

The Great Alone,
Kristin Hanna

When I was in Alaska, my sister booked us a charming Yurt with a severe lack of beds. So there I was “sleeping” on the wooden floor, and since true sleep wasn’t an option, I stayed up nearly all night reading this book, also set in Alaska, by lantern light. The story centers on a family’s move to rural Alaska and the beauty and challenges they face.

Summer Sisters, Judy Blume

This is another book that I have read over and over and over. A beautiful story of two friends' and their coming of age. It so wonderfully highlights friendship amongst life’s changes and complications. It’s a summer or vacation read that doesn’t lack depth of story or emotions.

Follow along on Instagram at @blackpearlandles for periodic book giveaways, interactive video reviews, discounts on group-reads and more. I can’t wait to see what you’re all reading alongside your cozy candles!


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