How to Make Gifting Feel More Meaningful 

A practical guide for shopping small and taking some stress out of holiday gifting 

It’s beginning to look a lot like…shopping season. 😅 The holidays are beautiful and magical and my favorite time of the year, AND can they be super overwhelming. For me, it’s the gifting aspect. The pressure to buy a lot of gifts for a lot of people while trying not to break the bank. Gifting can be special and meaningful, or it can feel stressful and forced, depending on how you approach it.

When I was 12, I remember shopping at the mall on December 23 with my sister and my dad, rushing to find gifts for the family exchange, and not knowing what anyone wanted and going from store to store to store without success. And finally, we just sat down. On the floor, in the middle of the bustling East Towne Mall. And we looked at each other as my dad said, “what are we really doing here…?”

In order to avoid your own existential gifting crisis this holiday season, I’ve put together this guide of things you can do to make gifting feel more intentional and meaningful.

The biggest thing for me is focusing on shopping small, from locally and privately owned businesses. Small businesses are the cornerstones of our community, often adding points of interests, activities, third-spaces and cultural flair to our local “downtowns”. Supporting them not only secures their longevity, but also lets your recipients know you took the time to pick a thoughtful, artisan gift just for them.

Shopping small also often means you’re finding higher quality products that are more sustainably made than you find in big box stores. Gifts from small businesses are usually not mass produced and have less of a carbon footprint. And because these products are made in small batches, their producers can afford to use higher quality ingredients and materials that are better for people’s health and environments.

Here are some ways to shop small so you can make gifting more meaningful and less stressful:

  1. Shop on your local “Main Street” You may be surprised by the goods you’ll find by taking a walk down your town’s “downtown”, however big or small it may be. You’ll likely learn about local artists, and stumble upon gifts that may be perfect for people on your list. Pair it with a stop at a cafe or brewery, and it also makes for an enjoyable weekend activity rather than a rushed, impersonal big-box shopping frenzy.

  2. Find gifts local to your recipients: Want a convenient way of making your gifts more personal? Try purchasing gift cards to local restaurants, cafes or experiences. For Christmas of 2020, I bought $15 gift cards to coffee shops local to my friends all over the country. It was an affordable way to support small businesses, and possibly introduce people to cool little spots in their own neighborhoods!

  3. Gift an experience: It’s always fun to gift experiences unique to a recipient’s town, like a cooking class, art class, spa or tickets to an event. You can also purchase it for yourself if you want to enjoy the experience together and give them the bonus gift of your presence.

  4. Start Early: I mean, obviously easier said than done. But starting your gifting early gives you the luxury of being able to put thought into gifts that will truly resonate with your friends and family, rather than searching “gifts for moms with one-day shipping” on Amazon on December 21st (no judgment, I’ve totally been there…).

  5. Check Out Holiday Markets: So many towns have their own holiday or European-style Christkindlmarket, featuring local artisans. Not only can you check some gifts off your list, but you can also dress up in cozy winter clothes, grab some hot (spiked) cider and your best friends, and have a real cute holiday outing moment.

  6. Make Your Own Gifts: Some of you are like “yes!” and others are like, “wtf not a chance”. But, maybe you have a cool hobby like soap making or knitting that allows you to make amazing, one-of-a-kind thoughtful gifts for those you really love. If so, don’t sell yourself short! Know that most people will love and cherish your work, so much more than that “holiday sock set” you snagged from Target on your 16th trip to the store the week before Christmas (again, no judgment…). Or maybe you’re a gardener and you give shoots of your plants in cutie little plant pots (that are hand painted if you really want to get crazy!). The possibilities are truly endless.

  7. Shop Small Online!: Small businesses and artisan shops often have (or maybe only have) online storefronts, i.e.😉. This allows you the luxury of shopping from your pj’s with your dog on your lap on a Sunday morning while still supporting local businesses. AND most small businesses participate in Black Friday and Small Business Saturday sales. Win win win.

Whatever you give, just try and relieve yourself of the pressure to spend a ton of money on elaborate gifts. A small gift given with thoughtfulness and love is so much more meaningful than a lavish gift given with stress and haste.

Try to look for things that support your or your recipient’s community and that will resonate specifically with them. That approach will take the edge off holiday shopping and help you enjoy the magic of the season. 🖤


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