How to Choose Candle Scents Online


One summer in college, I had an internship I didn’t particularly enjoy at a well-known department store. There wasn’t enough work for me, so I ended up being tasked with floor merchandising, check-out sales, etc. Somewhere in the midst of the mundanity, I managed to find a fun little escape during the downtime: candle-sniffing.

I would go to the home goods area under the guise of “organizing the candle shelf”, but would spend time smelling each and every one, fantasizing about which ones I’d buy if I weren’t living on a shoe-string college budget with $0.64 to my name.

When it comes to buying candles, wouldn't we all just love to have ample time to hang out in the candle section of the department store, meticulously picking our next scent? But what if you're not currently bored at your internship with time to spare on candle sniffing? What if you, like myself, are way too comfortable with the convenience of online shopping to be burdened with a trek to a STORE for something as small as a scented candle? Then how do you choose? Well here are some tips: 

Identify your fragrance profile

Phrases like "contains notes of bergamot" can leave even the most well-read of us wondering "what the hell does that mean?". Instead, let's identify your fragrance profile with these six categories:

Sweet - Think of candles that remind you of ripe summer fruits or your grandma’s beloved baked goods.

Floral - These light scents are reminiscent of a vibrant spring garden.

Clean - Think fresh sheets and clean cotton. These fragrances are crisp and bright, and the perfect compliment to your Saturday morning cleaning session.

Warm - These are the fragrances you want when you curl up with a blanket on a cozy winter evening. Warm scents have a depth that fills the room with scents like vanilla, sandalwood and musk. 

Spice - Spicy scents are typically cinnamon-forward and often decorate the air during the fall and holiday seasons.

Woodsy - Candles in this camp are masculine, musky and sophisticated. Commonly, they contain notes of pine, leather, driftwood and cologne. 

You probably prefer certain fragrance profiles and maybe have some you don’t care for. Knowing that, each Black Pearl Candle Description includes fragrance category labels to give you an idea of  whether it’s something that will fit your vibes.

Lean on Your Imagination:

Black Pearl Candle scent descriptions describe not just each scent, but also an experience it will remind you of. Sitting by a bon-fire on a warm summer night, curling up on the couch on a cold winter’s night, burying your face in a lilac bush because it smells so damn good and you can’t get enough. Those kind of experiences. Obviously a candle can’t replicate them exactly, but I’ve spent endless hours testing scent blends to find ones that remind us of these shared experiences.


If you really are stumped and not sure what you prefer, reach out to me at and I can recommend scents to you based on your unique tastes.




Ode to Soy